Our Robots

Cheese Ball

2024-25 / Reefscape

Robots had to score 12" lengths of 4" diameter PVC on posts. They also had to remove 16" kickballs and score them in a low goal or a high net. Finally, robots were hang off of steel cages to end the match!



2023-24 / Crescendo

Robots had to grab 14" foam rings and either shoot them into a high goal or place them in a low slot. Scoring in the slot "supercharged" the high shots. At the end of the game, robots would hang on a chain together.


Alliance 5 Captain at Lake Superior Regional


2022-23 / Charged Up

Robots were tasked with collecting inflatable cubes and cones and then placing them on shelves/poles. We opted for focusing only on cubes and shooting them.


Alliance 6 Captain at 10,000 Lakes Regional

Industrial Design Award at 10,000 Lakes Regional

Qualified for MN State Tournament


2021-22 / Rapid React

Robot would pick up and shoot small balls into goals.


2018-19 / Destination Deep Space

Robots would place panels on a rocket and then score "fuel" on the rocket.


2017-18 / FIRST Power Up

Robots were tasked with placing cubes on a balance beam and climbing stairs.


Regional Finalists at Northern Lights Regional

Quarterfinalists at Medtronic Foundation Regional

Industrial Design Award at Medtronic Foundations Regional

Qualified for MN State Tournament

Dr. Train

2016-17 / FIRST Steamworks

Robots were tasked with shooting small balls to charge up a wind machine and scoring gears to steer the machine.


Regional Finalists at 10,000 Lakes Regional 

Qualified for World Championships

Qualified for MN State Tournament


2015-16 / FIRST Stronghold

Robots were tasked with traversing random obstacles and scoring shots on a tower.


14th place at 10,000 Lakes Regional

Imagery Award at 10,000 Lakes Regional

Ed (short for Education)

2014-15 / Recycle Rush

Robots were tasked with collecting pool noodles, plastic crates, and trash cans then stacking them up.


7th place at 10,000 Lakes Regional